Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

What in the present church must we allow to die if we are to experience resurrection?

A Church Resurrected or Resuscitated?" href="/blogs/round-table/church-resurrected-or-resuscitated"> The sun shines through the bell tower of McDougall United Church in the snow covered landscape of Morely, Alberta.

I would not be who I am, without camps.

How Camping Changed my Life, and Can Change It for All Kids Too" href="/blogs/round-table/how-camping-changed-my-life-and-can-change-it-all-kids-too"> Campers at Sherbrooke Lake Camp

Me, too.

"If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'Me too' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the…

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Me Too" href="/blogs/round-table/me-too"> A white woman with blond hair holds a sign saying "#MeToo" in front of her face.

We are over a week into November and as I write this on Thursday night, the weather forecast says that we may get the first snowfall of the year in Toronto this…

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I Welcome the Morning Snow" href="/blogs/round-table/i-welcome-morning-snow"> A dusting of snow covers the wooden steps leading down to a frozen pond surrounded by dry reeds. A bell tower is in the distance.

As the Healing Programs Coordinator for the Aboriginal Ministries Circle, I am often invited into Indigenous communities that are engaged in healing, cultural…

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Remembering the Survivors" href="/blogs/round-table/remembering-survivors"> Two women display their "Every Child Matters" Orange T-shirts at Chippewa of the Thames First Nation ceremony.

Across the United Church, there are many approaches to marking Remembrance Day. In contributing a new selection of prayers for use…

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What Do We Celebrate on Remembrance Day?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-do-we-celebrate-remembrance-day"> Remembrance day poppies atop stone wall.
A sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace.
What Makes Us Protestant: Why Just Two Sacraments?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-makes-us-protestant-why-just-two-sacraments"> A diverse group of leaders pull a young person holding his nose out of the baptism waters. A number of people in the background await their turn to be baptized.

The following recounts the experience of one of our United Church of Canada’s ordained ministers (used with the person’s full permission).

Who is Minister to the Minister?" href="/blogs/round-table/who-minister-minister"> A person holds a purple, four-pointed fallen follow in their hand.

Most of the reformers left it up to individual Christians to decide whether signing was an appropriate expression of faith, but there were some who condemned it as a…

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What Makes Us Protestant: To Sign or Not to Sign?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-makes-us-protestant-sign-or-not-sign"> A white hand with fingers in the position of making the Sign of the Cross in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, with three fingers together.

Reformers disagreed about whether to reject or use the crucifix, to adopt an unadorned cross, or to discard the symbol altogether. Most Protestant churches…

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What Makes Us Protestant: Lift High the Cross?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-makes-us-protestant-lift-high-cross"> A stone cross standing outside, in front of the a background of green trees.