Holy One,
We pray for those whose lives have been turned upside-down by COVID-19.

We pray for those who have contracted the disease, and their families,
thinking especially of those who are known to us.
We think of those who have died.
We think of those whose health has been compromised by the effects of the COVID force.
We pray for those whose family life has become unsettled, stressful, and dangerous, remembering especially those who must care for children and do a full day’s work.

(time of silent reflection)
We pray for those whose lives have been turned upside-down by COVID-19.
We pray for those whose workplace has been radically altered by the disease.
We think of those who have lost a business or a way of life.
We think of those who can no longer visualize a secure future for themselves or their families.

(time of silent reflection)
For those whose health is compromised we pray,
acceptance and a move toward restored health.
For those whose workplace is altered we pray,
the ability to come to terms with a new reality.
For those who can no longer sustain their own business we pray,
sustained help in the struggle to make ends meet.
For those who must work at home and care for family members we pray,
an open expression of need when the pressure becomes overwhelming.

—By David Sparks, United Church of Canada minister