A person in a crowd on the street holds up a painting of George Floyd
Credit: UCC.org

As we respond in different ways to the news of the verdict in Derek Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd, we are sharing three prayers for personal reflection or community worship. 


Holy God, you are as close as the breath we breathe. We are a people in mourning tonight, grieving the loss of the life of George Floyd. We remember George Floyd in this moment as one of your own, created in your image, fashioned in your likeness. His was a life filled with breath, breath that was taken from his body prematurely. We pray for his family; may they be visited with peace and comfort in their grief and loss.  

Breathe on us, breath of God.  

We grieve the brutality of George Floyd’s death. We grieve the dehumanization of his existence and the disregard for his right to live with dignity. We grieve the systems present in our society that oppress because of perceived differences and mourn the lack of justice that has been visited upon us so many times before.  

Breathe on us, breath of God.  

We are thankful for justice served tonight. We take no joy in this moment; instead we breathe a collective sigh of relief that George Floyd was seen and heard. We give thanks that his cry from the streets was heard by a jury and justice visited with us today. We want to keep breathing.   

Breathe on us, breath of God.  

We pray for continued justice. We pray justice and peace be present for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. We pray that the lives of those who are underrepresented will be valued by all, and we pray that there will be healing in the land today.  

Breathe on us, breath of God.  

Breathe on us Holy one. Our breath is a gift from you, connecting us to you. Fill us with the breath of the Spirit as we continue on in the fight for justice. Fill us with your hope and love, so that we may continue to cry out for justice on behalf of all people.  

Breathe on us, breath of God.  


This prayer is offered by our full-communion partner, the United Church of Christ. See their full statement on the outcome of the Derek Chauvin trial. 

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